A couple months ago the super awesome Sarah from BodyTalk Zine contacted me about doing an illustration for their upcoming size issue. Really, anytime drawing a girl in a bra is involved I say "YESYESYESYESYES", so obviously I was pumped. I'm still excited, even after completing the illustration - it was so fun to do, and it reminded me that I haven't really been drawing all that much recently! Having a design job is great, but sometimes I forget to continue my personal work when I get home. MORE DRAWING IN 2011!!!!
Speaking of drawing and awesome people, if you live in the Boston area you better check out Good vs. Evil!, the current show at Space 242. My cousin Amanda is one of the contributors and, as you will see below, she rocks. When I was little I would stare at her drawings and try to absorb her fantastic drawing skills into my brain.