Sunday, May 9, 2010

apple of my eye


Yes we're still looking for a new rug. Anyone wanna buy me one of these über expensive babies from Ruby Lane? Because I can't afford that business.

I have also been gathering a list of places I'd like to go in New York, and it's getting real long for four short days..

+Shake Shack for burger and fries, and pomme frites just for fries.
+All the big art museums and P.S.1, if time permits.
+The Hell's Kitchen Flea Market.. only open on the day we get it, so if we're not completely dead maybe we'll try to make it over there before scurrying back to our hotel room for THE LAST EPISODE OF LOST.
+If we're in the neighborhood, Carrie Bradshaw's apartment. Sigh.
+Topshop? beacon's closet? I'm trying to not buy TOO many clothings. The first goal was to not buy any clothing, but my good friends made me realize that this was going to be impossible.


  1. beacon's closet over topshop for suuuure!

    those rugs are gorgeous. you can find some pretty cheap killim rugs on ebay. the shipping bumps it up a bit but still, cheaper!

  2. OK not to be weird and lame, but BE CAREFUL. The place they shot carrie's apartment at is on Bleecker and Perry street! YOU HAVE TO MAKE THIS MOMENT COUNT.
    ...and also I can still send you that list before you leave! it's in progress.

  3. oh man, ive always wanted to go to pommes frites! youll have to tell me how awesome it was if you get time to go. also katie, what do you mean BE CAREFUL? is it in a "bad" area? nice area? confused.

  4. THE SHAKE SHACK IS AMAZING! Get a concrete! You won't regret it!
    Thanks for the tip and feedback, I really appreciate it.
