Ever since those boots that I wanted so badly disappeared from the Victoria's Secret website (double damn! why didn't i buy them when i had the chance?) I've got a new boot obsession: sweater cuff boots. Mid to no heel, lace up, with an extra dose of cozy.
I saw a pair at my new fave place focusing on "second hand items" made from "natural materials", Practical Goods, but like all other pairs I find, they're too small.
exhibit a:

From RockyMountainRetro, an absolutely fabulous etsy seller who responded quickly to my woes about the size of the boot and questions about its maker.
exhibit b:

These sportos aren't exactly what I want, but I love sportos so much that they stay.
exhibit c:

As RockyMountainVintage smartly pointed out, I could just buy a boot like this sweetie here from DSW and wear the right sock underneath - perhaps cuffing OVER the boot? I did see a very similar pair Rewind Vintage in my size....
awesome boots