Wednesday, July 29, 2009

in the bag


I picked up this sweet little number on MCAD's free shelf ages ago whilst still pursuing my degree. This shelf is a gem of discovery for art students, as the idea is to leave things you don't want on it and take the things you do want. The bag (vintage Samsonite, Gulf Blue) has been a semi-permanent staple in my life. This bag saw me get mugged (it sat in the closet for awhile after that), three different apartments, and now it is my bag of choice to take to a one week illustration class I'm teaching for high schoolers!

When moving out of my last place, the lovely Katie asked if I was leaving it (no) and to look out for another bag like it. Well, Katie, today is your lucky day. ETSY SPECIAL FEATURE: VINTAGE SAMSONITE BAGS GO!!!!

beloved bag lady & Modish Vintagedo train cases.

Suzi's Corner Boutique and Custom Yes' Shop both have bags like mine!

and Bushangie76 has the mac daddy of them all - this yellow set of luggage. You don't know how bad I want to buy it. MAYBE IF I WIN THE LOTTERY.

p.s. I added my blog to blog-lovin', follow if you'd like using the button a little ways down the page!


  1. that yellow bag with the diagonal strips is money.

  2. My parents have a very similar yellow suitcase to that set in the last picture.

    Very similar.

    It's probably the same.

  3. Oh I love it, and free stuff is the best.

  4. I have the yellow suitcase set, well everything except the soft bag. I scored it at a local thrift shop. All three pieces $30, and it barely looks used. It had dirt on the outside, but a soft cloth took care of that. They are amazing to have, and after seeing how much people are charging for just one piece I know I got a great deal. Keep an eye out at consignment shops, never know what you might find.
