It all started when Alli posted on her blog the ubiquitous "i want one" list. I drooled over libemarlene's lists many times over, but it was not until Alli so sagely pointed out the fact that, if you go shopping, a list could save you money, rather than you just buying whatever you like.
Because, honestly, I think nowadays if I did that I'd just buy dresses. It's my bad habit.
So here it is, my list of lists (shortened for my own bank account):
+a plaid dress. I know this is a dress, technically, but I have longed after them so very much, I think I can make an exception. (image from cora boutique)
+shorty short gloves. because my hands get cold. (don't remember where these were from)
+new skirt. Must be poofy or pencil skirt. Cannot be all black or denim. (image also from topshop)
nerdfest: over.
yay! I tell you, it works!